
Flight Services





Delivering Freedom

Executive Aircraft Management is for private aircraft owners who want their assets to be operated and managed professionally. We offer our private clients the same benefits of a Commercial AOC without having to bear the added costs and regulatory drawbacks of being a commercially operated aircraft.

We enhance your current operation and maintain an oversight of your aircraft, while allowing your flight department to continue with their day-to-day operations.

EAM will monitor the ever-changing regulatory environment of constantly changing commercial regulations implemented by the regulatory authorities and provide our clients with the most economical resolution.

If you are looking for the freedom to operate privately and with the security of a professional organization to ensure your full regulatory compliance, Corporate Travel Executive Aircraft Management is for you.




We offer your flight department full flight operation services including permits, permissions and flight following from takeoff to touchdown.

Our team works with The Flight Consulting Group for worldwide overflight and landing permits, flight planning, flight following, ground handling and fuel services. This allows our clients to take advantage of preferred rates that we have negotiated.

Alternatively, if your operations and crew have a preference for ground handling, flight planning providers such as Universal, Air Routing, Jetex, Colt or in any other area, we will coordinate the same support arrangement with your preferred provider.

We conform to Part 91 regulations and their worldwide equivalent for private business aircraft operations. These standards have been discussed internationally and developed with the support of ICAO and the NBAA and provide a very high level of safety for our clients. 



We understand that most owners already have their own crew that they employ directly and do not want this to change. We at Executive Aircraft Management fully endorse this principle. We do not insist on any required evaluation of the crew or for that crew to come under our control. As long as the crew continues to meet and maintain regulatory standards and simulator assessments by TRTO's, Executive Aircraft Management and our partners remain satisfied.

As well, crew associated with incoming aircraft are not required to move on to the Executive Aircraft Management payroll, unless requested.

TRTO Training Organization

Executive Aircraft Management has negotiated preferential rates with CAE for access to their worldwide training facilities, ensuring a high standard of pilot training and excellent pricing. However, if your crew prefer to work with another TRTO, we will coordinate their training at the preferred facility.



We can support all your long or short-term crew needs with contract or permanent crew placement. EAM has relationships with several flight crew providers that enable us to benefit from their preferred rates. In addition, we can assist in the recruitment of new and or additional crew if required.